Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today doesn't really seem like Thanksgiving to me, since it's not actually a holiday here, there's no Macy's Day Parade and my mom wasn't to be heard up at the crack of dawn running the Kitchenaid :)  No smells wafting through the air, well except for the occasional diaper which needs to be changed.  Don't get me wrong, I am not feeling sorry for myself, on the contrary, I have so much to be thankful for this year!  I have a wonderful family and a wonderfully healthy son!  Thank you to all of you who touch my life everyday, I am thankful to have such amazing friends and family!

Our Thanksgiving Dinner is planned for Sunday this year - Guten Appetit!


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Tracy said...

I LOVE Thanksgiving Pants!!!

And holy moly, that is a huge turkey!