We had Blaise baptised on February 22, 2009 at St. Quintin's Church. We found out later that St. Blaise is a patron saint of the church with a large statue of him behind the alter. We were able to have him baptised while my parents were still in town, so we decided to baptise him during the English Mass. The priest came over a few weeks before the baptism for dinner and we had a nice visit and preparation for the event. It was a beautiful celebration - highlighted by all the family and friends we had supporting us. We owe a huge thank you to Andrea's boyfriend, Andreas, for taking these and many more beautiful professional-like pictures.
Very beautiful! Thanks for sharing! Wish we could have been there! And the photographer did do a great job! You look wonderful!
What a special day! I'm sure your parents are thankful they were there to share it with you guys. I think it's great that Blaise wore your baptismal gown. Our girls both wore Darren's gown that his godmother made for him. It has his initials stitched in blue near the neck and my Grandma Burns added each of the girls' initials in pink.
Oh, wow! What wonderful pictures! I think that is so cool that there was a statue of St. Blaise in that church. I also love that all of your friends and family members were able to take part in the Mass/Baptism. What a special day!
Congratulations Baby Blaise!!! What a wonderful day and a special celebration shared with your family and friends. The church was beautiful and the story about the St. Blaise statue is so cool.
I loved all the pictures, especially the one with Jan holding the candle and you looking at him. I also loved the one where the priest is anointing his head with you cradling him. Didn't he smell so good afterwards?!! I wish we could have been there, mostly for the tasty looking cake. :-) Congratulations again. We're so happy for Blaise!!
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