Thursday, May 17, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Medieval Days

Blaise has shown some increased interest in Knights and Castles as of late, and we are lucky enough to have these things in our backyard so we started to take advantage! We've already taken 3 trips to nearby castles (about 30 minutes away) in the past few months. We took a family outing, one with good friends and another when my girlfriend Michelle from home was visiting. Blaise is becoming a bit of an expert :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

A Few Random Shots

This shot was taken early January and my has she changed a lot since then! Looking back it is easy to see what a growth spurt she has had over the last three months. Her hair is so much longer and those shoes don't fit anymore!

They like to read :)

Jan's sister lives near a forest with a lot of trails - here they are letting loose!

Blaise was making cookies for Grandma, by spooning flour into his form and making piles of flour on the cookie sheet.

Kate likes jam.

These guys are pretty funny - I love how much they play together already.

We celebrated "Fastnacht" with Jen, Martin, Jonah and Maya - Blaise was a dragon.

Babi came to spend some time with the kids and brought some treats - always a good warm-up tactic!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

We Were (and continue to be) Thankful

See here, then here, then (I guess I didn't blog it last year), then:

We went back to the Children's Hospital to say thank you for what they do every day. We were lucky enough to have been helped by them three years ago. It is a fear that has lessened, but one I respect and I never want to become complacent about what has been given to me.

Blaise Turned the Big 3!

We had a Big Birthday Celebration for Blaise before Grandma and Grandpa returned home. Blaise requested a "race car" cake from Grandma, so they got to work making that happen.

He was pretty excited about the finished product.

 Then they set to work making "3" shaped cookies for him to take to Kindergarten for his class. 

I canNOT believe my little guy is already three years old! Where have these years gone? Although the growing number of grey hair I keep finding assures me that time is passing (at a perhaps accelerated rate?). The interview from his Birthday Book:
Me: What were some of your favorite birthday gives this year?
B:    Playmobil Camper

Me: Tell me what you think of when I say these words:
Me: Home:
B:    My Backyard
Me: Favorite Color
B:    Red

Me: What's the last think you were sad about?
B:    Nothing

Me: What makes you really really happy?
B:    My birthday, my balloons

Me: Are you scared of anything?
B:    Nothing

Me: What do you think you'd like to be when you grow up?
B:    Drive a car

Me: Who's the last person you kissed?
B:    Nothing.

Me: Who's your best buddy?
B:    Kay-Kay (Kate)

I really love this big little guy!!

Too Cute Not to Share

Kate got new pajamas on one of the Many Days of Christmas. She strutted around with them and gave us the royal wave.

New Year's Parade

Our version of Mardi Gras, known as "Fastnacht" in Mainz, is known as the 5th season of the year. It begins November 11th and technically ends on Ash Wednesday (see the nice Easter-tie-in), but the big party in Mainz happens the Monday before Ash Wednesday, on "Rose Monday."

That was the background information.

On New Year's Day, the Fastnachters start warming up by putting on a parade. Kids dress up, hence the Return of the Bear.


I am finally getting around to posting some of our Christmas photos on Easter Sunday. I promise I took some pictures today, too. You should be seeing them around 4th of July - do stay tuned! :)

Happy, uh, Easter! :)