Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Adventures in Eating
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
A Day at the Park
Monday, July 27, 2009
Splish Splash, I was taking a bath...
Monday, July 20, 2009
Blaise's New Wheels
Blaise has been practicing sitting a lot and he can hold himself really well when supported. We decided that it was time to get him upright in the stroller. Although the other buggy we had was able to accomodate this, Andrea gave us this stroller to transition into. This is the buggy she bought while we were all in Florida together after the wedding. It looks like it is going to make another trans-atlantic trip this fall, since we have pretty much decided just to take this one with us instead of buying a new one in the US.
We tried it out and Blaise seems to like it! It can recline back for him to sleep too, although we haven't tried that yet. He loves riding through the city and being able to look at everything and everyone. It is really fun to see how excited he gets and how curious about everything he is. Plus now the strangers who are walking towards us are always smiling because he is so cute and laughs with everyone.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Avocado Man
Seriously, what would I do without the internet? I would have to follow what everyone around me is doing without having the knowledge to make my own decisions. Yuck. Double Yuck. Thank you, Internet! (and books, too, of course, but they don't have such a nifty search function)
Last Friday was the Big Day. Blaise got some avocado. He really seemed to enjoy it, but didn't eat much. He has gotten about a tablespoon + everyday since and is enjoying his new form of nutrition. Soon we will introduce something new, not sure yet what...perhaps sweet potatoes?
I tried a little photo shoot with B the morning of the Great Avocado Adventure. It was right before his nap, so we didn't have much time.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
July 7, 2009: 6 month milestone
So I posted a while back that Blaise had rolled over, well that must have been an accident :) He didn't really do it much after that - only with a bit of help. He has changed so much recently that we knew the independent roll was coming for real this time. We have also been working with him to help him strengthen his muscles. He is now spending more time happily on his belly and scoots somewhat. I think he is getting frustated that he cannot really move forward, which makes me think that is also not far off.
We also think he is working on some teeth, but haven't seen any real proof of that yet.
He has great head control and is close to sitting up independently.
We have reached another monumentous goal - Blaise has been exclusively breastfed for 6 months! I had contemplated trying to go a year at 100%, but it is now clear that isn't going to be possible. Blaise is highly interested in what we are eating and it will be fun to watch him develop his own personal tastes. Not sure yet when we'll start other foods, but it can't be too long now. I will continue nursing as long as possible (within reason), but I hope to make it at least to 12 months. It wasn't always easy, but I am so glad that we made it!
He likes to "talk" now and has a lot to say. We are working on vowel/constant sounds right now: ma, da, ba and ga. He does a lot of "gee" or "ah-gee" and says "hi" - he is good at the "h" sound.
He also responds to his name (as long as he isn't busy doing something else).
He is reaching for things and showing preference to toys and getting upset when he can't play with them - the most interesting toy is the laptop and the telephone. :)
We are astounded every day at how smart he is and much he is changing. It has been an amazing 6 months!